Pet Information
We love our pets! However, responsible Pet Ownership is governed by a framework of humane laws and policies to ensure the protection of both pets and people. The City of San Antonio Animal Care Services enforces both City ordinance (Chapter 5 ordinance) and State animal laws
(Health & Safety Code, Chapters 821-829) animal laws. The Villas of Babcock (Summerwind) Homeowners Association follows the City of San Antonio Chapter 5 Animal Laws and State Health & Safety Code, Chapters 5.
While the laws are extensive by nature, they come down to a simple directive:
Pet owners are responsible for their pet(s) and their pet’s behavior.
In many cases, Animal Care Services can assist pet owners with education and resources to comply with the law.
Non-compliant or repeat violators, however, can face both civil and criminal penalties including hefty fines and potential jail time.
Sec. 5-13. – Traps with holding mechanisms prohibited; exceptions.
No person shall set up or allow to be set up on his property steel jaw traps, spring traps with teeth or perforated edges on the holding mechanism, snares, or any type of trap with a holding mechanism designed in such a fashion as to reasonably ensure the cutting, slicing, tearing or otherwise traumatizing of the entrapped prey, for the purpose of ensnaring domestic or wild animals within the city limits, unless the use of such traps is specifically deemed necessary by the director of health in or for the control of communicable disease. This section is not to be construed to include those traps designed to kill common rodents, i.e., rats, mice, gophers and groundhogs; except that the owner is responsible for taking care that any of the above said “rodent” traps are not placed or used on or about his property in such a manner as to reasonably ensure the trapping of any other domesticated or wild animal, or of a human.
It shall be a prima facie violation of this section that the traps proscribed in this section were, in fact, set up by the person in question, or were allowed to be set up by the person in question; no intent or further culpable mental state shall be required to prove such a prima facie violation.
(Ord. No. 2010-06-17-0555, § 1, 6-17-10)
Sec. 5-19. – Leash and pooper scooper required.
An animal owner or keeper shall not walk an animal without a leash restraint, and shall not guide or take animals onto the yards or driveways of property not owned, leased or occupied by the animal owner for the purpose of allowing the animal to defecate, but shall keep the animal in the public right-of-way, and shall carry a container and implement for the sanitary removal of the animal’s fecal matter from the public sidewalk and public right-of-way adjacent to any property with a structure or other improvements thereon.
(Ord. No. 2010-06-17-0555, § 1, 6-17-10)
All owners of animals within the subdivision must abide by the City of San Antonio and State Code: Regulating the Care and Control of Animals. Somethings you need to know include:
- All pets must be vaccinated against rabies by the age of 4 months and be vaccinated annually.
- All pets have to be licensed by the City of San Antonio. Any owner or keep of a dog in the City of San Antonio that is not spayed or neutered must obtain a more costly non-sterilized City license. License your pet with City of San Antonio Animal Care Services.
- The owner or keeper of any pet shall keep the animal restrained at all times and ensure that the pet does not roam or run at large.
- It is against the law to be cruel to your animal by not giving him or her food, water, shelter and basic medical care.
- It is against the law to sell. trade, barter, lease, rent, or give away, any animal on any roadside, public right-of-way, commercial parking lot, or at any garage sale, flea market or festival.
- No animal shall be hitched, tied, or fastened by any rope, chain or cord that is directly attached to the animal’s neck. The animal must be restrained with a property fitted collar or harness. And the trying device must be attached to the animal’s collar or harness and be at least ten feet in length.
- The owner or keeper of an aggressive or dangerous animal which, when unprovoked, inflicts severe injury or death to a person or bites a person on public or private property; or which kills a domestic animal without provocation while off the owner’s property shall be guilty of a misdemeanor with fees and court costs totaling hundreds of dollars.
- Any persons whose female dog or cat has a litter must obtain a litter permit prior to or within ten (10) business days of the litter’s birth. The issuance of a permit authorizes the whelping of no more than one (1) liter per female dog or cat in any twelve (12) month period.
- A maximum number of eight (8) cats or five (5) dogs, or an aggregate number of eight (8) is permitted at a residence. In order to have more dogs and / or cats at a residence, an owner must apply for and excess animal permit which shall be valid for one (1) year.
- All outdoor cats must be sterilized and roaming cats must be engaged in a confirmed ordinance violation to be considered a nuisance.
- An animal owner or keeper shall not walk an animal without a leash restraint, and shall not guide or take animals onto the yards or driveways of property not owned, leased or occupied by the animal owner for the purpose of allowing the animal to defecate, but shall keep the animal in the public right-of-way, and shall carry a container and implement for the sanitary removal of the animal’s fecal matter from the public sidewalk and public right-of-way adjacent to any property with a structure or other improvements thereon. Read More…
The Villas of Babcock (Summerwind) Homeowners Association would like to thank you for being a responsible pet owner. Interested in getting your pet spayed or neutered? Call Animal Care Services at (210) 207-4PET to find out low-cost options today.
Remember! All animal bite emergencies can be reported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 311. All other animal related calls can be made via 311.